Late last night I finally had a chance to sit down at the computer and catch up on my blog reading. I posted a comment on Kerflop and Jessica replied via email immediately so I sent her another message really quick and it made me feel special like I had a new friend. Then I read a comment on my own blog from someone I didn't recognize and I went to her blog and saw that I was listed on her "Favorite Reads" column and gosh, if that didn't make me feel special, too.
Then I started musing on how I was starting to have blog readers who I didn't actually "know" and it made me feel a little pressure to have funny, interesting content. And how in high school how I wasn't part of the "popular" crowd for whatever reason. Was is because I was a Mormon, because I made good grades, because I didn't hangout and party with the in-crowd? It doesn't actually matter to me, not that it did then, either, especially because I still feel like I'm on the outside when it comes to most groups. I've never had a big circle of friends and I think that's just part of who I am.
But at any rate*, I started thinking about new and exciting posts for my little blog and thought I could do something like "Frugal Things I Did Today" and that sent my mind to one of my favorite books, The Tightwad Gazette. There is actually an article that talks about this very thing. Amy mentions how people were always wanting to come to their house to do photo shoots, but she had a hard time thinking of "poses" for them to do. Because most of being frugal is not things that you DO, it's things that you DON'T do. So I thought of some of the things that I didn't do recently.
On my birthday, which turned out to be a rotten day, partly because I had high expectations for the amount of things I would actually get done and then didn't because I ended up running unplanned errands, I had planned on getting takeout from a local barbecue restaurant. The owners are fellow Texans and their food is great. I got on the phone at dinnertime to call in my order and got their voicemail, and they were closed still for the holidays. So my fabulous non-cooking birthday dinner plans were shot. I didn't want to call the local Chinese place because I had tossed the menu in a decluttering attempt, and I wasn't dragging 4 kids there to wait for 20 minutes for my food. I didn't want pizza and everyone was getting hungry. I called Frugaldad and told him to pick up Baja Fresh but then changed my mind because I didn't know what I'd feed the kids from there without complaint. So I found corn dogs in the freezer and stuck them in the oven.
So by cooking corn dogs I saved like $30.
(And by the way, I skipped dinner, and the second I had all the kids in bed I joined my cloth diapering group for our monthly MNO and I ate a sandwich at IHOP while I knitted my frustrations away.)
When I run out of milk or bread, I mix up a gallon of powdered milk or bake up a batch. So I save like $20 because if you're anything like me, you can't walk all the way back to the milk without picking up anything else, since you're already at the store. So by not going shopping I save money, pure and simple.
Another thing that happened yesterday was I went to a church luncheon. Once a month a different woman hosts a pot-luck lunch at her home to give the ladies a chance to visit. There was another mom there with a baby who was wearing a pair of Robeez shoes. Frugalbaby was wearing a pair of knock-offs from Target and I mentioned how great these soft-soled shoes are, and that I had found some patterns online and had also bought some leather and was going to make a pair. Another woman said something to the effect of "You are so crafty. Is there anything you don't do?" The answer to that is yes, because I don't do the things I don't do well. I just happen to be interested in a lot of different things, and hate to pay retail for something I can make myself. So I pile up project after project and all these supplies and then nothing ever gets done**. But I'm working on it, and as the baby gets older it is both easier and harder to do things. Easier because she not attached to my boob all day long, and keeps herself occupied, and harder because she's transitioning to one nap and that leaves me with less time.
Anyway, did I ramble enough? Post a comment, if you haven't, so I know who is reading!
*When I was a junior in high school, my English teacher was Mrs. Thompson (who happens to be Dan Rather's sister) and she was a funny lady who would ramble on, and on, and on. Then when she was ready to get back to her lecture, she'd say "At any rate". My friends Rachelle, Jenn, and Lanny and I had a tally in someone's notebook to keep track of how many times she said "At any rate," and I think the record was like 12 times in one day.
**It's not completely true that I don't do anything. I am actually stash-busting some of my diaper fabric. Last week I made some night-time pants (Pull-up style) for Frugalgirl2 and last night I cut out 3 more pair since the first ones were a success. Pics to come. I am down to only 1 yard of hemp fleece after starting with 7, and I used up the entire yard of Windpro that I bought.
24 January 2007
The One Where She Rambles On and On
Posted by
1/24/2007 12:22:00 PM
Labels: blogging, random stuff
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I don't remember how I stumbled upon your blog, but I love it! Ramble away
Yeah, update us on the house.
I love reading your blog. You keep so busy doing crafty, homemake-y stuff, its great!
We had a guy draw up some plans for us and they were done in November. But we are putting a basement under the addition so things have to be done correctly as to not collapse the footings under the existing house. We had one concrete guy come and do a bid but he didn't have experience with basements under additions and we called someone else a few days ago and they haven't returned our call yet. We haven't been moving too quickly because we don't really want to pour concrete in the cold, But we're on the way to spring so maybe by the end of the year we'll have something.
yeah... me too... I love your blog. I enjoy reading it more because your like, one of 3 people that comment on my blog... LOL
I'm torn, because I long for the day that I can get "projects" done without the baby hassle, but then again, I'll totally miss my "baby days". ;)
Stay crafty! :P
Whew-wee! That was like your longest post ever! Just Kidding! Ramble away, that's what a blog is for.
I don't remember how or when I stumbled upon your blog, but I was intrigued by farm-life and cloth diapering. Haha! (I have questions about cloth diapering. I never thought I might even consider trying it until reading your blog and Kerflop's)
Anyway, it's nice to know there are other women out there who still know a few of the lost homemaking arts and aren't ashamed to use them!
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